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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Data Security

Aim of this Subject:

study the basic principle and algorithms of Security

Course 1:
Total hours:
Theory 30 + Practical 30

Subjects Names:

  1. Introduction to Security: Security Goals, Security Methods, Security Layers & Threats.

  2. Encryption & Decryption: Cryptography, One-Way Functions, Early Biblical Cipher, Requirement from Cipher Algorithm, Caesar Cipher, Cryptanalysis of the Caesar Cipher, Advantage & Disadvantage of Caesar Cipher.

  3. Transposition Methods: Early Spartan Cipher her ,Rail-Fence Cipher, Row-Column Cipher, Zigzag, Repeated Row-Column Cipher, Mono-Alphabetic Cipher, Diagonal routs, Rotation Cipher, Reverse cipher, Geometric Figure, Nihilist ciphers.

  4. Substitution Methods: Vigenère Cipher , Beau ford Cipher, Kasiski Method, Poly alphabetic Ciphers, Product ciphers, Rote variation, Diagraph substation


Course 2:
Total hours:
Theory 30 + Practical 30

Subjects Names:

  1. Data Encoding: on return to zero, non return to zero interval, Bipolar-Ami Pseudo ternary, Manchester, Differential Manchester, Manchester Differential Manchester. Morse code cipher, Additive cipher method, Multiplicative cipher, Affine cipher, One-way function.

  2. Arithmetic Background: Greater common Deviser: Binary GCD algorithm, Euclidean GCD algorithm, Extended GCD algorithm, Chinese remainder theorem, Minimized GCD algorithm. Lease Common Multiple: Multiplicative least common deviser, LCM using Factorized number, LCM by Null reminder Exponentiation: Fast exponentiation algorithms, Binary exponentiation, To Fast exponentiation algorithms, The Mist exponentiation algorithms, Repeated Square and multiply algorithm. Prime number: Cormen algorithm for prime test, Probability primarily test, True primarily test, Prime number generation, Fermat's primarily test, Solovay strenssen test, Miller Rabin test, Wilson test, Liner sive test Lahmer test, Gordon method prime generation, Theta ,Inverse, Modular, Square Root, Key phrase cipher, Quadratic residues

  3. Public-key cryptography RSA algorithm, Attacked RSA, AlGamal algorithm. Attacked AlGamal algorithm.

  1. Mihir Bellare, Anand Desai, David Pointcheval, and Phillip Rogaway. Relations among notions of security for public-key encryption schemes.

  2. February 1999. An extended abstract appears in H. Krawczyk, ed., Advances in Cryptology

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